Our Story

I began my entrepreneurial journey almost 15 years ago. I knew that I had something special to offer, and I was determined to make it a success.

I started a cloud bakery based solely on birthday cakes, wedding cakes, eateries and desserts. With time, my connection with the spiritual realm increased drastically and I felt elated to learn about our culture, manifestation, and how certain products when placed at the ideal position can change one’s life for the better.

With the knowledge acquired over the years, I wanted to share with you and your family/friends the way to reach the innermost depth of your spirituality and bring utmost positivity to your lives.

At Varam, we provide home decors to refine and beautify your living space; Idols, Vilakku, other Pooja items to enhance your spirituality; and favour gifts (return gifts); thoughtful and personalised-  for every occasion to leave a positive mark and to make your  guests’ heart swell with happiness.

Alongside brass articles, I also offer Vaastu expertise to guide positivity, prosperity, peace and success to you and family.

Wishing you a serene shopping experience. 

Rajalakshmi Abhilash